Right sized solutions, cost optimization, smart savings

Visibility, customisation and transparency

The Cloud Billing BU acts as an extension of your enterprise. We ensure spends are well calibrated. In fact, businesses gain the commensurate discounts. Customizing payments to the businesses’ cash flows is a working principle. Cloud Billing makes spends and their management seamless, hassle free and customized.

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Areas we address

Cloud Economics
Cloud Management
Cloud Billing

The way we work

Right sizing of solutions
Cost savings across plans
Customized billing cycles
Flexible payment plans
Special program pricing
Extensive detailing and
simplification through
frequent reports
Optimization tools for
visibility and control


Predictability in billing and
Customized, simplified and
user-friendly billing formats
A cloud billing portal offers
transparency in billing,
payments and cost

“Well Spent or badly spent; that's not the issue. The call is to think first and act later."

Resonances — Enable the Change you Want to See

Financial Operations/FinOps: A Solution to your Cloud Financial Management Problems

Financial Operations/FinOps: A Solution to your Cloud Financial Management Problems

Read the Blog

Master your cloud finances with Cloud FinOps,  maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs for sustainable growth.