Does migration to the cloud seem a common a task nowadays? Not if you want speed, correctness, scalability and performance. You need to think it through and have your cloud partner design a migration strategy that best fulfills the specific needs of your business. Minfy subscribes to this tenet. For we know that to each their own. Specific and customized road maps mean a consistent and enviable impact strengthening agility, lowering costs and speeding up transformation. Minimum disruptions and gradual, step by step modernization.
If you so choose you could also work with our unique Minfy Migration factory. An ingenious concept that ensures standardized methodologies and processes accelerate the complete migration process. While doing that also endow your business with an application platform that will catalyze the impact of your business.
A well designed and strategized landing zone for us means:
Centralize your security, monitoring and logging approach. Company wide compliance and data residency policies for example can be implemented with landing zones. This way you can ensure a base level of compliance over multiple tenants or environments.
Enforce tagging policies across multiple cloud tenants and provide standardized tenants for different security profiles (development/staging/production).
Implement the principle of least privilege by defining roles and access policies. Define your security guardrails to align with your infosec guidelines, as well as Security Risk & Compliance requirements.
Provide IaaS network configurations, firewalls and other basic networking parameters you want to have in place.
Migrating to Cloud: 6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Trustworthy Cloud Services Provider
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